The Gidley Arms
Situated on the B3137 south of Meshaw, Devon, at Gidley Cross, is the old house once known as the Gidley Arms, now called Gidley House. The owner has been investigating its history, and has provided some interesting information on it:
"Between the years of 1826 (when it was built) and about 1960, it was a pub and known as the Gidley Arms Inn. I believe it was named by the owner, Robert Preston of Leigh House, Chumleigh, after his Gidley relatives. In his will he states that his great grandfather Gidley was buried at Winkleigh. He clearly thought a lot of the Gidley family as he used their name for this building. However he must have fallen out with them later, as in his will dated 1843 he attached a codicil in which he cut all Gidley relatives out of his will as follows: “As I have been most unjustly deprived of the family pictures of the Gidleys, I recall and cancel the recommendations in favour of that family by way of advice not of trust…”.
The old pub sign, which was fixed above the door of the pub and is present in a photograph dated 1907 but not easily visible, has now long been destroyed."
Many thanks to the current owner of the house for the above information, and to Pete Gidley for the photograph.